What once was second nature to the environmentalists is today becoming second nature to a growing majority of the population; searching for products that are sustainably sourced, ethically produced, re-usable, recyclable and energy-efficient.
Look under your sink, in your cupboards, in your laundry, in your garage. Do chemically ambiguous products still manage to sneak their way into your life? Would you like to become more conscious of the products you use? Become more informed of what’s happening inside your home?
Since we spend an average of 90% of our time indoors where air pollution can be 2 to 5 times greater than outdoor pollution, it’s important that we find ways to reduce these various pollutants that occur within our home from cleaning products, insecticides and many other dangerous compounds created indoors. 1
Indoor air pollution is of such concern that its effects on the population are now being studied by science, so we may have a greater understanding of the cause and effects of this type of pollution.2 In the end we are the deciding factor of what we bring into our home and the environment we create. Let’s bring in eco-friendliness.
Making the decision to bring the Enagic water- ionizing machine into your home is not only a step in the right direction but a giant leap into creating a more sustainable home. This machine will give you the ability to eliminate so many harmful products that are inadvertently polluting your home environment and the bigger environment at large.
Daily uses of Kangen Water® in every area of the home.
Trying to find products that are eco-friendly and effective at the same time can be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. This is why even the most conscious of us reach for the old toxic stand-by, we know it works. Well, here you will find tips, tricks and recipes that will not only help your home go green but are also as effective and even more so than those chemical products.
The kitchen without a doubt, contains the most germ-laden items in the entire home. Not only in the sponges, but on cuttings boards, in kitchen sinks, on refrigerator shelves and kitchen counters, are the breeding grounds of harmful bacteria. So you want a sanitizing product that is not only gentle but safe and effective, something that cannot be found in most harsh sanitizing products. Now with Kangen Strong Acidic Water® you can safely and effectively clean and sanitize all surfaces naturally. It’s not for nothing the Enagic Water Machine is an official medical instrument in most hospitals in Japan. Here are some ways you can use the Kangen Strong Acid water.
1. Sponge Maintenance
Washing your sponge once a week in the dishwasher with Homemade Dishwasher Detergent, will ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. For that added sanitation you can microwave it for two minutes while still damp, this will help reduce the spread of germs. With the thorough sanitation of Kangen Strong Acidic Water® you will not need to replace your sponges as much and thus you will be cutting back on waste. Remember re-using is friendlier to the environment than recycling, and with such strong acid water you can now sanitize and reuse your sponge much longer.
2. Caring for Kitchen Linens
Likewise, frequently replacing kitchen linen is not only wasteful but cost effective. You want something effective and gentle to clean and sanitize them and give them a longer life span. Is it possible? Yes it is! Now you can soak them in Kangen Strong Acidic Water® before washing them in Kangen Laundry Detergent and eliminate all those spreading germs, while you keep your linen soft and smelling to your preference!
3. Daily Maintenance
With All-Purpose Strong Kangen Water® Cleaner now it’s easy to keep all counters and surfaces clean after every use, including those cabinet pulls and drawer handles, trash cans and appliances where germs can collect. It’s a powerful all-purpose cleaner that dissolves grime and grease, removes stains and germs and general dirt all around the house. Once you’ve used it to clean, you can now spray with Kangen Strong Acidic Water® to disinfect and sanitize. It’s as simple as A, B, C.
4. Wash Your Hands
We are living at a time where washing our hands has become even more crucial to hygiene. It is therefore very important to wash hands before, during and after handling of any food, especially if it’s going to be shared. Keeping a bottle of Enagic® Hand Sanitizer close to a sink is a must when preparing and cooking meals. But you can now also keep it in your bag and disinfect your hands even on the go! Kangen Strong Acidic Water® is the perfect hygiene resource for the times we live in.
Although the bathroom is one of the least germ infested rooms in the house, as we all like to keep it particularly clean and sanitized, nevertheless the floor is one of the dirtiest areas in the bathroom, the humble tooth brush and holder coming just second below it. Then there are the mats, faucet handles, light switches, shower heads and doorknobs that are highly pathogen friendly. So daily cleaning with Kangen Water® will help keep all these safely and effectively clean and sanitized. And if you like sparkle and shine in your bathroom you should definitely try some of these tips
1. Scrub the Tub
You know how those stains and scum love to cling to the bathtub and shower, and how difficult it is to scrub them off, right?. Not anymore! Scrubbing it with Strong Kangen Water® Cleaner is as easy as wiping it off and afterwards you can spray it with Strong Acid Water to disinfect your bath tub and shower. Also, try soaking your shower head in Strong Acid Water to kill mold and prevent clogs.
2. Cleaning Your Toothbrush
First of all, you might like to invest in a non-plastic tooth brush that is more eco-friendly to the earth. Routinely disinfect it with Kangen Strong Acidic Water® and then rinse it with Kangen Water®. You should replace your toothbrush or brush head every 3 months, so keeping it non-plastic is even more important, with such regular replacement you want the material it is made of to be natural and biodegradable.
3. Toilet Maintenance
You can now let go of that harsh bleach to clean your toilet bowl, and turn to Kangen Strong Acidic Water® to kill all germs. If you find there are more stubborn toilet bowl stains, you can use the full strength Strong Kangen Water® to clean them. Cleaning and disinfecting the toilet has never been easier!
4. Everything Else
Surfaces and floors, doorknobs, cabinet hardware, sinks and faucets are now easy to clean with Strong Kangen Water®. Make sure you spray the areas with Strong Acidic Water afterwards to sanitize them.
Window Cleaning
Cleaning windows can be one of the most difficult and time consuming, just when you think they’re clean you find another spot you’ve missed, and if you have pets or kids you know how they love to smear their hands or paws all over your clean windows. At these times it seems impossible to keep your windows sparkling clean and to do it without chemicals. Not anymore! Just add some common household ingredients to Strong Kangen Water® and watch your windows sparkle and shine naturally! Chemical free! For the Strong Kangen Water Window Cleaner recipe, click here.
Everything Else
(Car, garage, office space, etc.)
All you need is Strong Kangen Water® and Strong Acidic Water to keep all areas of your home clean! So you can now give chemicals the boot, help yourself and help the earth sustain a healthy balance with Enagic Kangen Water® Machine. It will produce all the water you need to get the job done. Store Kangen Water® in all areas of your house to help you easily maintain a clean, green, sanitized home. The beauty of balance and nature reflected in your home.
2 https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/indoor-air-pollution-introduction-health-professionals#tuberculosis